About the Talk:
This talk will focus on themes from Professor Carsten’s current research on experiences of marriage in Penang. It will also include reflections on her earlier work in a Malay village in the 1980s, and research on the interface between medical and popular understandings of blood carried out in hospital clinical pathology labs and blood donation sites in Penang since 2006. The current project on marriage has involved interviewing middle-class, urban Penangites of different backgrounds, ethnicities, and ages about their own experiences of marriage as well as those of their parents, grandparents and other family members. The work has included going to wedding shops, talking to wedding planners, attending some weddings, and searching out photographs and objects connected to marriage. The narratives, activities and objects reflect the multiculturalism of Penang as well as some of the changes marriage has undergone over recent decades.
Recordings of the event are available here: